This is a timetable for first grader in Japan.


I get a timetable for next week on Fridays.

Timetables tell:
-what they should bring
-what time they are going to leave school

1st graders study these subjects.

さんすう(算数 sansuu) math
こくご (国語 kokugo) Japanese
しょしゃ (書写shosha) writing
たいいく (体育 taiiku) P.E.
せいかつ (生活 seikatsu) living environment studies
おんがく (音楽 ongaku) music
ずこう (図工 zukoo) arts and crafts

Vocaburary on timetable

ぎょうじ (行事 gyooji) events

もちもの (持ち物 mochimono) what they should bring

しゅくだい (宿題 shukudai) homework 

げこう(じかん)(下校時間 gekoo jikan) what time they are going to leave school